Fortunately, tips for reducing the risk of different conditions as you age are often the same. It’s about eating right, exercising regularly, avoiding alcohol and smoking, and making sure you’re sleeping well and keeping on top of stress. And it’s exactly the same with the menopause – following these principles will help your emotional and physical wellbeing as well as reduce your risk of future disease such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis. Taking HRT can also reduce your risk of these conditions.
One common post-menopause problem is vaginal discomfort. You might feel dry and sore or itchy, have more UTIs, and sexual intercourse can be uncomfortable or painful. You might also need to wee more often and desperately – usually when you’re miles from a toilet or can’t take a quick break. The best treatment for these problems is to use vaginal estrogen and the sooner you start it the more effective it will be. It can be taken safely long term and alongside HRT, even if you’ve had breast cancer.
How you will feel about your own menopause transition will be unique to you. You may mourn the loss of fertility and associate it with diminishing femininity, vitality and youth. On the other hand, you might see this change as a new chapter bringing new opportunities and greater freedom.
When the hormonal rollercoaster calms down, there can often be a sense of emotions returning to an even keel, an increase in self-confidence and purpose, a re-evaluation of priorities, and a feeling of greater control and choice over your life.